And I turned off the switch…

light switch

“I am not sure what happens if you pull a switch off the wall and take away the order and control all together, but I am guessing exposed wires still active with electricity are just bad news.”

This is from another piece of writing I did when I was talking about how pain isn’t a spectrum… it is a switch.  It is either on or off.  How we, as kids, play games with light switches where we try to balance them between on and off.  How I wish I could install a dimmer switch so I would have total control… so that it wasn’t a switch, on or off…

But what WOULD happen if there wasn’t switch?

Would all control really be lost?  With electricity raging everywhere?

I don’t know why I chose to write into this… because it has been years since I’ve ever read anything about how electricity works, and I wasn’t great at getting the light bulb to light up when we hooked the wires to the battery or… whatever… yeah.  Science, not my strength, okay?  So I don’t actually know what happens if you pull a switch off the wall and leave it all exposed…

But I think that that only poses a problem to people who actually try to touch the switch.

And that’s already a problem anyways, right?  So… maybe I would be better without the order and control.

If I’ve learned one thing about control in the past year, it is that no matter how much control we think we have, we are actually really powerless.

I hate feeling powerless.

If I feel powerless more than I am trying to be in control, maybe I should just surrender.

Maybe there is power in that vulnerability.